Voice Hearing Harmony

Nikhil Murthy
3 min readJul 8, 2024


Now the “garden variety” voice hearer is bombarded on a daily basis with personalities rendered in the mind constantly commenting on their every action.

If you can relate to this experience I propose a theory which you may like to consider: Has it occurred to you that what you send into the universe comes back to you in the exact same shape or form? I’m expressing the idea that the universe functions as an active feedback loop. I believe as voice hearers we can test out this theory quite easily. If you feel angry, what do your voices feel? Do they not come back in corresponding quality? If you send out a mental message, don’t the voices respond in kind?

Now this may seem like some kind of curse, but I believe by understanding this simple concept we as voice hearers can truly change the way we interact with our environment for the better; physically, mentally and spiritually.

Through careful observation I have come to the conclusion that as individuals making contact with our world we encounter exactly what signals we give out, and that these signals take the form of our beliefs, wishes and intentions. As we go about life we are constantly involved in making exchanges with our universe, whether it’s the people we meet, the information we consume or the thoughts we conceive.

Now here is the part of empowerment for the voice hearer. Imagine that your voices are nothing else but exact responses from the universe giving a one to one signal of the quality of your thoughts, words and deeds. For example I realised that when I am making a decision and I arrive at a course of action that goes against my deeper values (like to be truthful in my everyday exchanges) I experience an upsurge of voices or personalities which show signals of anguish, distaste or disparity aimed at myself — or in other words they become a pain in the neck! Conversely, if I make a decision that is in line with my manifesto for life (like to do the best job I can when given a task) then I get feedback from the voices which reflect confidence, continuity and cooperation. .

Have you given thought to exactly how powerful you are in shaping your reality? If you have truly grasped this concept, the negative thought habit of blame will start to dissolve in your life. This is due to the realisation that the voices are nothing but reflections of our own attitudes, whilst blaming the voices means you haven’t grasped this concept that you are the empowered architect of your life.

I invite you to consider a working model for our predicament. Imagine as though you as an individual are surrounded at all times by your own entourage of workers, and that each worker immediately carries out exactly what you think or feel instantaneously. I am suggesting that this is the relationship all voice hearers have with their minds. You think it, and the voices carry it out. Considering this arrangement, would it make sense to shoot yourself in the foot and think thoughts of negativity? Wouldn’t you rather release thoughts of empowerment, positivity and harmony which act like instructions for how your voices will act and react as well?

I propose that this revelation can lead to a powerful reformation of our lives. Let’s become more sensitive to the signals we are creating in our world, and take advantage of this universal feedback system. The next time you catch yourself feeling “down in the dumps,” WAKE UP and realise you are giving your voices instructions on how to respond! You may combat the thought by focusing on something you can be thankful for, or you may physically stand up and remove yourself from that environment. Expose yourself to nature and things of beauty, do things that fill you with a sense of purpose and harmony with your surroundings. Learn to meditate, scrapbook, learn to play an instrument, keep growing and giving yourself reasons to tackle life with renewed energy. Whatever the case, remember how powerful you are in creating your reality and take on the challenge of crafting your world for the better.



Nikhil Murthy
Nikhil Murthy

Written by Nikhil Murthy

I'm a schizophrenia awareness advocate with the aim to shed light on how to cope with symptoms of schizophrenia

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